
Learn how to be Vibrant with food and lifestyle choices

Interested working with me? Book a free 15 min call


Balancing Diet, Supplements & Stress is hard. You can't be healthy if you don't know how to balance all three!

Are you looking for a way to improve your health?

Most people are overwhelmed by the number of diets out there. Some say eat this way, others say that's not enough protein or fat for you. It's hard to know which advice to follow when it comes to eating right since every body is different and reacts differently with food. What works for one person might cause another person a stomach ache or make them gain weight instead of lose it.

I craft a personalized nutrition program designed specifically for You based on Your lifestyle, Your goals and You health concerns through our in-depth consultation process. 
I  specialize in nutrition therapy (not just meal planning). I will help you find your own healthy balance by learning about what foods work best for your body type, metabolism and lifestyle so that you can achieve optimal health and get personalized meal plans, lifestyle recommendations and supplements!

Book your session today! Intro session is about 1.5 hours - this starts our relationship.

The process starts with an
  • Intro Session - when You tell me all your concerns and goals

In the follow-up sessions we will cover:

  • Review of your family/medical history
  • Full lifestyle assessment and recommendations
  • All body systems function assessment
  • Full food log review with impact on your health
  • Current nutrition supplements review
  • Detailed and time-focused suggestions and guides

Before the session please provide (all forms are below):

  • Signed Consent form
  • Lifestyle Assessment Form
  • Nutri System Profile ("NSP") forms
  • Food Log

Follow up sessions are $120/hour

dietRemedies: enhance your diet with a one-time review

You're following a specific diet. You want to know if you're getting enough/right nutrients and you're also concerned about being on a restrictive diet forever.

E.g., you're a vegan and you wonder if you're getting enough protein, iron and B12 vitamin. OR you're afraid that your paleo diet is making you acidic. OR you want to change your diet and you need specific recommendations on "how-to".

We've all been there, trying to follow a specific diet can be tough. It takes time and effort finding the right foods and recipes that are aligned with the plan you're following. Most of us don't have time for this!

Diet Remedies review is here to help! I will provide my expertise in our one-time food review.

No more spending hours searching through endless blogs or advice sites looking for answers. You'll get the best options based on Your objectives and requirements so you know exactly what foods are right for your diet at any given moment!

Please provide the following before our session. Download/submit the forms below.

  • Signed Consent form
  • One-week Food Log

Balanced Supplements: what to take and what to drop?

When it comes to supplements, there are so many options and brands that it can be overwhelming. How do you know if you need to take any? What should you take? Which brand is best? How do you know if what you're taking is working?

Supplements are a part of the support we offer our body because of a particular issue or a need to complement our diet. It's important that they work for us, but also that we don't spend money on things we don't need!

I will go through all your supplement needs with you in detail. We will cover which supplements, brands would be beneficial based on your goals and health status (if there are any specific issues).

You'll learn how to determine whether something works for YOU specifically instead of depending on others' opinions. 

We'll determine which ones can be taken together and in what dosage amounts, as well as when to take them (before/after meals). I'll also give you my recommendation so that you can fill these at my online dispensary with a special discount after the consultation!

Please  provide the following before our meeting.

  • Signed Consent form
  • Supplements List (brand, product name and dose)


Note: you can submit multiple filled forms at once by clicking on any SUBMIT FORM buttons below.

Consent Form

Please read and sign the form by typing in your full name in the field provided.

Lifestyle Assessment Form (LAF)

This is a detailed form that will require 10-15 minutes to fill in. Do not forget to save your progress on your local drive if you need to take a break. Digital signatures are used in place of hand-written ones, by submitting this form you accept this arrangement.

Nutri System Profile FORM (NSP)

This is an Excel version of the form. It may look overwhelming but all you have to do is fill out the columns with the drop down options. Column "C" on the first 2 tabs and Columns "B" and "E" on the remaining tabs.

Food Log

Please give yourself a week and maintain a detailed account of everything that you eat and drink. Be as detailed as you can. You can print this form out, fill it by hand, and then take a picture that you will forward me.
