The foundation of your stay healthy is to stay well-nourished, drink enough water and stay hydrated, good hygiene regiment and maintain a good sleep schedule.
These seemingly straightforward things will help you stay healthy and avoid getting sick. Straightforward or not, take a look at just a few examples that illustrate the health benefits of following simple guidelines.
Many people today eat too much junk food or not enough fruits and vegetables. This leads to them being dehydrated as the body is unable to process salt without drinking enough water.
Also, many people do not take care of their teeth properly by brushing twice a day or flossing at least once per day which can lead to gum disease or cavities that may result in pain or infection. This in turn leads to poor digestion as you cannot chew your food properly.
Staying clean helps reduce your chances of getting sick because it is easier for germs to stay alive on unclean skin or clothes than it is on clean skin or clothes.
Getting enough sleep each night is important for two reasons: one, it allows your immune system to stay strong and work properly while you are at rest so that any germs or bacteria that may invade your body will be unable to affect your immune system, two, you stay refreshed and energized throughout the day so that your body can stay healthy.
Let's break down healthier life tips in a bit more detail in this blog. You can stay healthy by following these tips.
Point 1. Importance of a healthy diet: Eat whole foods
A healthy lifestyle in my opinion starts with eating well. If you're not eating enough, that means you don't consume many fruits and vegetables enough to provide a lot of nutrients and antioxidants to help fortify your immune system.
You will specifically want to keep on top of your selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C intake. Selenium is found in nuts (like Brazil nuts) or fish. As for vitamin E, you can get it in spinach, seeds, and peanuts. Vitamin C can be found in many vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, or sweet potatoes.
Before I go into what you should be eating, there is one thing I really recommend you cut back on: Sugar. I'm not saying you need to cut sugar out of your diet completely, just stay away from it as much as possible. Also, remember sugar hides in many forms - alcohol is sugar as well. Follow the 80/20 rule: eat healthy 80% of the time and allow yourself a treat every once in a while.
Here are some ideas for your grocery list to maintain a balanced diet:

Better health with Fish
Fish and, more specifically, tuna is an excellent source of selenium. One ounce of tuna can provide around 30 mcg of selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is one of the essential minerals for our health and immunity. The daily intake recommendation is 55 micrograms of selenium for an adult. Other fish and seafood are usually between 12 mcg and 20 mcg of selenium per ounce. Salmon is also an excellent choice to help the immune system. It contains a lot of “healthy fat” (omega-3), which is known to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risks of heart disease.
Good protein source: Lentils
If you eat a vegan or vegetarian diet, lentils are a great substitute to fish. One cup of lentils can provide around 6 mcg of selenium. They are also a good source of immune-boosting nutrients, fiber, and protein.
Lentils are a type of plant that grows well in dry, nutrient-poor soil. They are an excellent source of protein which is hard to find in foods for vegetarians. Lentils contain protein akin to animal-based protein. They are also high in fiber which helps keep the heart healthy, fighting off diabetes, and regulating blood sugar levels. It has been shown to help with weight loss and lose belly fat as well as reducing the risk of certain cancers (colon cancer) by lowering insulin levels.

Garlic in healthy meals
Another vegetable that has a similar effect on our immune system as zinc is garlic. Garlic has the ability, according to some research, to keep a cold at bay. Some studies even demonstrate that regular intake of garlic can reduce the duration of colds.
Garlic is a great additive to any dish because it has a distinct flavour and adds a rich, savoury taste to your meals. It's also very easy to add more garlic when cooking without changing the taste of your food too much if you don't feel like eating raw garlic.
Start adding more garlic to your dishes today and feel the difference it makes on your overall health!
Blueberries for staying healthy
Berries, in general, are packed with antioxidants. Blueberries are at the top of all the fruits and vegetables for the number of antioxidants it contains. Not only does research show the power of blueberries on our immune system, and linked to a lower risk of stomach fat, cholesterol, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are very high in vitamin E. One ounce can provide 76% of your daily intake, which is 15 milligrams. Vitamin E is also a potent antioxidant like selenium, which help fight infection since it enhances the body's protection.
A diet that is rich in vitamin E and vitamin C, zinc, and selenium are going to help you boost your immunity. While it is great to eat as many healing foods, it is not always possible to provide all the nutrients and antioxidants that our body needs to stay healthy. That’s when supplements become a great option.

Point 2. Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of fluids will help your body flush the toxins that could cause sickness. 75% of people are dehydrated consistently, and that’s probably one of the main reasons why most of us get sick or don’t recover fast from illnesses.
Water is essential for flushing any pollutants from our bodies. We can't get rid of the contaminants quickly enough if we don't have enough water. Viruses and germs are two common types of toxins. Drinking a lot of water may help to prevent illness.
You can start increasing your water consumption by always having a bottle with you that you can refill. It is recommended to get around 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Pro tip: add lemon or lime to it!

Point 3. Exercise regularly for physical health and mental health
Exercise is good for your body. It can make your circulatory system work better and it can help with the immune system. Yoga, Pilates, exercise walking, running weightlifting or spinning are all very good ways to exercise.
Regular physical activity can help your body stay strong and healthy, but it can also have a positive impact on your mental health. Exercise stimulates chemicals in the brain called endorphins, which are released during times of pain or stress. These natural “feel-good” hormones reduce anxiety and improve mood while reducing depression symptoms by acting as natural antidepressants.
Physical activity also helps you sleep better through improved quality of sleep cycles and increased serotonin levels that promote relaxation at night. It has been shown that people who work out on a regular basis report feeling less stressed than those who don't exercise at all, so it's possible. Let's talk about this in greater detail.

Point 4. Manage stress
Stress has several negative aspects on your quality of life that is harmful to your well-being. We need stress management to remain healthy.
One person out of three reports feeling very stressed in their daily life, which tends to put us at risk of activating harmful viruses that may be in our system. When we experience stress, we harm our body’s ability to fight antigens with antibodies.
Daily stress and stressful situations can be detrimental to our immune system. The more stress reduction activities you can bring in your life, the stronger your immune system will become. Here are two tips to help you reduce your stress and increase your immunity to viruses.
Stay Healthy - Change Your Mindset
You may alter your attitude by being more optimistic and living in the present moment. "Positivism" is a personality trait that improves one's health and lowers the risk of contracting a viral infection, according to studies conducted all over the world. Not only is the immune system of optimistic people more robust, but they also show signs of being healthier in general.
Whatever life throws your way, you always have a choice about how you react to it. You may either view it with a half-full glass or a half-empty one. An excellent way to start improving your attitude is to focus on gratitude. Finding things that you are grateful for will help you see the best in everything. You can do so by writing in a journal the daily gratitude that you want to express.

Practice Mindfulness
Adding a mindfulness practice to your life can help you understand and manage your stress. Mindfulness is the ability to remain in the present moment and avoid thinking about the past or future. Increased calmness has a beneficial impact on the body, which enables your immune system to function more effectively. Try practicing mindfulness breathing by taking 3 deep breaths:
· Breathing in through the nose
· Breathing out through the mouth
· Repeat two more times
Repeat it again a few times throughout the day to make it a total of five mindfulness breathing exercises.
Tap Into the Power of Aromas
Aromas from essential oils can help you boost your health while bringing a sense of calmness into space.
One of the most effective essential oils is lavender. Lavender is a powerful oil in which antioxidants help the body protect the cells from toxins. You may use it in a diffuser to help you relax while also eliminating allergens and imparting a new scent to your house. To enhance your sleep, place a drop of lavender oil on your pillow.
Another great way to use lavender oil is by adding two to four drops to your bathwater. Lavender oil will help you release the toxins from your body while finding a deep sense of relaxation.

Point 5. Avoid health problems by getting enough sleep
People who can't sleep are more likely to contract a disease. When we sleep, our immunological systems produce protein to combat infection and inflammation.
Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep a night (more for a teenager or a child). Sleep has been shown to aid in weight reduction, increase energy levels, and maintain a healthy metabolism. However, not everyone can just fall asleep or stay asleep. To help implement a bedtime routine.
Create a Routine for reducing stress
It is proven that a routine will trick your body into falling asleep at a specific time. Try to observe yourself, is there a time when you are tired? If so, make sure you go to bed before that time.
A bedtime ritual is an excellent addition to your schedule. A good bedtime ritual is one that allows you to relax, disconnect from the stress of life, and slowly tell your body that it is time to shut down.

Set a Comfortable Atmosphere
It's possible that you need to redo your bedroom in order to improve the ambiance for a restful night's sleep. Don't underestimate the comfort of your bed and pillow, as well as fresh linens' power. If you're uncomfortable, it'll be tough for you to fall asleep or keep sleeping.
Another aspect of comfort is the room's temperature and degree of noise. Consider sleeping with a fan on or utilizing a white noise machine to help you sleep. A consistent sound in the environment might assist you stay asleep.
Avoid These
Avoid any alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, processed meats full of salt or large meals altogether 2–3 hours before you go to bed.
Anyone can boost their immune system and enhance their chances of staying healthy during a flu season or when dealing with germs. We have a better opportunity of fighting illness by eating particular meals and reducing stress in our lives, as you learned from this five-step guide.
The five steps in this article can help you stay healthy. These tips include eating well, good hygiene, sleep well, stay hydrated and manage stress.
If all of these strategies sound like a big change for you, don't worry! Reach out to me and let's talk about how to make change a process that is comfortable for you and does not cause additional (unnecessary) stress. Be vibrant.
If you're interested to learn more about the subject of natural immunity and what actionable steps you can take today, then you may be interested in the course I offer.
Expand to see topics I cover in this course. Try it out, the first 2 lessons are free.
Ch.1: Foundations
Food to Heal
Supplements for Support
Manage Stress / Restore / Heal with Aromas
Ch.2: 21-Day Action Plan
Prep and Assessment
Week 1: Detoxing the Body
Week 2: Calming the Mind
Week 3: Integrating Meals
Ch.3: Meal Recipes
Conclusion & PDF version
Course Checklist
Resource Cheat Sheet
3 Essential Oils to Boost Your Immune System
3 Things People With a Strong Immune System Do
3 Secrets to Strengthen Your Immune System
Supporting Your Health